Sniper elite v2 wii u review
Sniper elite v2 wii u review

In this regard Sniper Elite V2 is a triumph.īallistic physics are well implemented and they feel fair. I found that this is the case because, like a lot of people, I enjoy shooting things with sniper rifles. It has the ability to be immensely satisfying, irrespective of its rough edges. Despite its flaws, this is an engaging and engrossing game. All reminders of the human cost of war.įrom everything I've said so far, you'd think that I didn't enjoy Sniper Elite V2, but this is far from the case. An abandoned card game on a makeshift table. A family of suitcases sits unclaimed next to a dirty teddy bear. There is plenty of detail to admire as you go. Never knowing what waits around the next corner gives the experience of scurrying through war-torn Berlin a threatening edge. Lighting flickers and troops lurk in unexpected places. The broken skyline provides plenty of places for enemy snipers to hide, so scanning each and every building is essential. The environments through which Fairburne travels are varied and detailed. Troops are nicely animated, though, and the splash of blood that erupts from them once hit is always satisfying. None are major (although I did experience a glitch that turned Fairburne's head white for a while), but this lack of polish does act as a constant niggling distraction. There are a lot of rough textures and graphical imperfections littered throughout the game. Not that the casual eye would notice as it doesn't look unnatural. Although Berlin was comprehensively flattened by Allied bombing, you can't begrudge Rebellion for keeping an unrealistic amount of buildings upright for players to explore. Rubble is piled high, buildings teeter on collapse and the streets are littered with wrecked vehicles and battered city defences. The broken streets of Berlin provide a distinctive backdrop to events. When not in combat, violins serenade in the background, providing a haunting soundtrack to the brutal din of war. Tense music accompanies the action, adding tangible tension to proceedings. Pulling off well timed shots under cover of falling bombs, or chiming bells, is essential if the game is to be played on the harder settings. At several points in the campaign there are background noise that can be used to mask the fire of your rifle. To survive, brute force has to be brought to bear, which is at odds with the elegant combat encouraged throughout the rest of the game.Īudio plays a strong role. When troops eventually descend (and descend they will) it's usually only a matter of time before a restart from the last checkpoint ensues. Whilst the aim of the game is always to keep enemies as far away as possible, this isn't always achievable. If pinned down, combat quickly descends into taking potshots, and because the AI is limited, enemy troops don't engage in firefights from protected positions, instead they rush in, and in doing so reveal another of Sniper Elite V2's problems.Ĭlose quarter combat is brutally unforgiving. There is no seamless transition between cover, and no covering fire (although you can lean out to take a shot, a move that leaves you incredibly vulnerable). The cover system implemented by Rebellion is passable, but it could've been more intuitive. It's not game breaking, but it does frustrate. Climbing scenery is especially cumbersome. The controls sometimes feel a little sticky, occasionally unresponsive. Although a majority of my time was spent on the keyboard, a controller does little to iron out the problems encountered. Movement around the broken city of Berlin can be tricky at the best of times.


PC gamers will be pleased to know that they will have this option, but everyone else will have to cheer themselves up with the four different co-op modes on offer (Campaign, Kill Tally, Bombing Run and Overwatch). Rebellion missed a real opportunity by failing to include some kind of PvP combat in the console versions of the game, because dueling with a human opponent would've more than made up for the poor AI of the computer controlled adversaries.

sniper elite v2 wii u review

Often it's just a case of waiting in cover until spotting the glint of their scope, then popping out and taking the shot. Equally disappointing was squaring up against other snipers, they rarely relocate as a real sniper would, making them fairly easy to take down.ĭuels with other snipers could have been a defining element of the game, but instead these ranged battles fall short of the mark. It can, at times, feel a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, with dopey footsoldiers regularly assuming suicidal positions, inviting their own death by trying to conceal themselves in unprotected positions. The AI of the troops encountered is undeniably poor.

Sniper elite v2 wii u review